Jane Minto – User Experience at WebCredible
In our talk, participants will learn the insights we uncovered when designing chatbots for the older population and the skills to prototype and test bots at speed. n two parallel projects in financial & charity advice services, we’ve explored how a conversational UI could be used to help diagnose, surface and signpost users to crucial information. Find out how we designed, built and tested live prototypes for a leading UK charity (Age UK) and a large financial services & pensions provider (Just) to determine how older people understand and interact with conversational UI.
Andrew Larking – Creative Director at Deeson
Chatbots and voice interfaces are terrible. They don’t live up to the dream. They give great demo when the conversation is scripted but beyond that they can’t understand us. Much beyond “turn on the lights” or “play Radiohead” they don’t do anything useful, but that’s a failing of design and representation and not a failure of technology. I will talk through, from the point of view of somebody designing narrative interfaces for some very big brands, the UX and design challenges we face.
Elvia Vasconcelos- Senior User Experience Designer at SapientRazorfish
It all started with a secret project that I can’t talk about, but that I did talk about @LadiesthatUX but only for 5 minutes. High on positive feedback I then decided to continue the conversation, this time internally with the 45+ team of Experience Designers I work with @SapientRazorfish_ The outcome of these 3 presentation sprints (yes, i am calling them sprints) is a not so dull deck that looks at the tools and methods I would use if I was to start a new chatbot project tomorrow. Coincidentally I am due to start a new one anytime now…
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